As subcontinent society is conservative in terms of Gender inequality, Caste system and many more such type of Social Evils.

In the Statics mind society Govt has to play role in improving the situation and to minimize social and economics small evils which also create positive effect in society.

In Pakistan an Islamic state but a person who has three daughter , his problems start at the time of  daughter birth then  his daughter go school problem of pick and drop to school and after that dowry for their marriage and then continuous gifts to her daughter.

Similar birth of a daughter is supposed a big tension any how. Same is the case of caste system

Nawaz Govt and his brother Shahbaz Govt in a big province has even no such vision to diffuse such social and cultural evils by the time . They only run the Government in Autocratic manner because  people of pakistan has limited vision of development limited upto only roads and CPEC.

Liegeslation , Reforms in every sector of life , Solid economic development and peace of mind of people is not priority of N league Govt but Only construction of uncoordinated roads .

It is responsibility of International institutions like world bank, and other donor to critically monitor the projects of Govt and pressurize for improvement.


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